Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Today in class we had to pick a film still and use the image to change it in adobe photoshop to  change the genre of the movie.

First we had to analyze the mise en scene and genre of the original film still
Mise en scene:
I think this still photo is from an action movie seen from the style of the acting, props, settings, and lighting. The main prop is the fire burning and on it’s side. This is used commonly in an action film. The style of acting with the 3 people running away from the burning can suggests they are running form something and are scared as seen from their facial expressions. Te lighting is very natural, with no sunlight only the shadows of the people as they run. The setting of this shot is in a remote field and looks as though they are in the middle of nowhere sets the mystery alongside an action movie.

I have now changed the genre from action to sci fi or disaster. This is done by cuting out the original background and replacing it with another layer of the tornado on adobe photoshop.
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