Thursday, April 28, 2011

Genre based ingredients and recipe

Characters: 3 girls, murderer
Setting: dark house, lounge room, dark bedroom, long hallway, outside window, dark shots under bed
Lighting: dark lighting, shadows, gloomy, cold, dim, outside of house, across street
Props: video camera, knife, tv,  blood,
Costumes: dark black clothing, pajamas,
Sound: wind, breathing, footsteps, screaming, slow-fast music

Intro: The doorbell ring and you see girl 3 opening the door to her 2 bestfriends . the camera shows a wide shot of the house and girl 1 waving goodbye to her mother. the camera closes up to the car which drives away to reveal the creepy next door neighbor. the screen shows the 3 girls walking inside and shutting the door. The camera cuts to the evening where the 3 girls in their sleeping bags looking at past photos. the photos show their other friend the girls then admit6 their guilt for what happened.
Climax: The sound of the door slamming frightens the girls and the camera shows their faces. Girl 3 stands up and the camera follows her to the open front door. The lighting is dark and focuses in on the open door and the moving shadow. Girl 3 closes and locks the door and the 3 girls laugh at themselves.
screen cut in to the lounge room with the 3 sleeping bags. Camera closes up on girls 3 waking up in darkness to see girl 1 missing. In darkness you hear voices and both girls up. The camera closes up to the light switch that doesn't work when turned on.
Resolution: Both girls walk down long dark hallway, the moonlight shadows seen through windows. The front door is open and both girls creep out side. Camera shot reveals blood down windows. Scene shows girls running to bedroom. Camera held by girl 2 show her under bed. Heavy breathing and footsteps in dark is heard. Camera is dropped as she pulled out by feet. arm drops in front of camera and blood drops down arm. Camera angle stays on floor as you see girl 3's legs come out of wardrobe to see friend dead. Camera shows killers legs and girl 3 legs then girl 3 drops as blood flies. Video camera is picked up and slowly reveals more as it comes up the killers feet to head as the killer is revealed in darkness.

 This is a draft of our film and will change
 This is our version of the dot point list that shows the major plot elements of our short film

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