Wednesday, May 11, 2011

In class we are working on Task 2. This includes the information about the key character, key settings and the overall synopsis. It also includes the story boards of the film. below is the language and camera movements that are involved in the story boarding.

DISSOLVE: A transition between two shots, where one shot fades away and simultaneously another shot fades in. 

FADE - A transition from a shot to black where the image gradually becomes darker is a Fade Out; or from black where the image gradually becomes brighter is a Fade In.
JUMP CUT: A rapid, jerky transition from one frame to the next, either disrupting the flow of time or movement within a scene or making an abrupt transition from one scene to another.
PAN:  A steady, sweeping movement from one point in a scene to another. 

POV (point of view shot): A shot which is understood to be seen from the point of view of a character within the scene. 

REACTION SHOT- 1.: A shot of someone looking off screen. 2.: A reaction shot can also be a shot of someone in a conversation where they are not given a line of dialogue but are just listening to the other person speak. 

TILT:  Using a camera on a tripod, the camera moves up or down to follow the action. 
ZOOM:  Use of the camera lens to move closely towards the subject.

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