Friday, October 14, 2011

Adobe Photoshop

For the last two lessons we have been working on creating promotional posters on Adobe Photoshop. to do this we had to go to wikipeadea and a random page whould come up. the title of this would be the title of the movie for the poster. Then we had to go on a quotes website and the last quote was the quote for the poster. The we had to go on pictures and the thrid one was the backgrounf for the poster. below are some i have done so far.

This is my first try. i don't like the way this poster turned out. it was my first time using adobe photoshop and this poster was me getting the hang of it.

i was happy with the way my posters turned out, I now know how to use adobe photoshop. next lesson we will be starting on our own promotional film poster for our own website.

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