Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday 8/2

- A shot is a continuous piece of filming without interruption and refers to the time the camera is turned on and starts filming to when it is turned off. 
-A scene is a collection of shots, arranged through editing, into a specific order.

-An edit is a break in the film where one shot ends and the next shot begins.
The picture above shows the different kinds of shots.
Wide/long shot
-This kind if shot involves the whole body and is used to provide the audience with and idea of the setting.
Medium shot
- Used to give the audience a feel for the personality of the character.
Close up
- Used to show the facial expressions and emotions of the character to help the audience feel for them.
Extreme close uo
-Used in horror films to give a closer view of the character's face. It also gives a view of the eyes of the character, to help build the audiences emotion towards the character.
Low angle
-This is when the camera is on the ground and used to make the character look bigger and more powerful compared to the background.
High angle
-This is when the camera is angled down on the character to make the character seem smaller and more vunrable compared to the background.
Over the shoulder
- Used in scenes between two people who are having a conversation to show how one character perceives another.

 Today in class we had to choose a prop to use to take pictures using the different types of shots. i really enjoyed this, i did have a problem with the camera but that was fixed!!! The prop i chose was a wooden owl and decided to shoot this on a tree outside the classroom. Here are the pictures.......
This is the long/wide shot. Although it is hard to see the owl is in the middle of the tree.
This is a close up shot as it only involves the face and shoulder of the owl.

This is an example of a high angle shot as the camera is looking down on the owl.

This is an example of a low angle shot as the camera is looking up at the owl
This is an example of an ants perspective shot, which is when the camera is placed on the ground to take the shot.

This is an example of warm lighting in a shot.

This is an example of an over the shoulder shot as the picture is taken from behind the monkeys head and over the shoulder you can see the bird.

This is an example of an medium shot as it only shows the upper half of the subject.

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