Monday, May 23, 2011

Today in class we were given time to take some practise video shots and edit them. I joined Daisy and Lauren with this and we took some shots in the locker bay, i then etided them and changed the brightness, contract, opacity and colour to make the shot look scarier. I have also decided to join Daisy and Lauren's group for the movie project as I think it will be better than me working on my own. Their movie is also in the horror genre but is about a teddy bear and is being filmed in Daisy's little sisters bedroom.

This is what i have done with the shots taken so far. At the moment we are just trialing and playing around with the different ways we can edit the shots. This is done on i movie. In this video i have changed it so that it is darker and the colour is slightly blue to make it look as though it is filmed at night.

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