Thursday, October 6, 2011

Terms I need to know for revision test

Elements of film: sound, lighting, setting

Mise en scene: sound, lighting, setting, props, acting

Cinematography: contrast, exposure

Editing:rhythm: beat of film, passing of time: rate at which film operates, graphic relationships: cut, fade........ break in the film where one shot ends and the next shot begins

Genre: comedy, action, romance, horror, drama

Camera Angles: use of different camera angles and shots to show a scene

Lighting: use of colours and exposure to create a mood

Post Production: after shooting of film

Pre-production:Plans are put into place including scripting, scene break down, storyboard, shot list, casting, location, equipment hire, catering, transport, informing people

Production: filming of script

EDL (Editing decision list): list of choices made of filters and efects when editing the film

Video transitions: cuts, fade, dissolve, wipes edited into the movie

Rendering: in editing footage computer is setting changes and choices into piece of footage

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