Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Film Terminology

This picture shows the basic film terminology.........

A shot is a continuous piece of filming without interruption and refers to the time the camera is turned on and starts filming to when it is turned off.
- In general, most shots last for no more than about ten seconds.
-The camera or subjects may move during a shot, however the filming is uninterrupted.

An edit is a break in the film where one shot ends and the next shot begins.
The four common types of edit are:
- Cuts
- Dissolves
- Fades
- Wipes 

A scene is a collection of shots, arranged through editing, into a specific order.
- When reading film it is common to analyse individual scenes rather than specific shots.
- A scene with two characters having a conversation would likely consist of fewer shots than a fast paced car chases.
- Scenes usually go for two to three minutes.

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