Monday, February 14, 2011

Tuesday 15/2

This lesson we looked at a clip form the movie Shanghai noon, then analysed the clip and looked at the techniques they have used.
Shanghai noon

Genre: comedy, action, western

Mise en scence:
-Birds tweeting (time of day/sense of place),
-Weapons (creates suspense, anticipation)
Music: western (fast paced),
Props: horses (enhances genre),
Hats, swords, guns, knifes, clothing (enhances comedy element)
Setting: landscape, paddock, lake, timber shack (enhances the serenity and creates contrast)
Lighting: natural, sunny, bright, warm
Costumes: cowboys (enhances silliness, and contrast)
Comedy dialogue, body language (playful, relaxed)

Editing: cuts, rhythm (slow to fast during action)

Shot types: over the shoulder, close up, wide, long, low angle, medium,

Camera speed and focus: stopped, slow, focus (subject of importance in focus)

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